Why Join the Workers' International Industrial Union?


Working people in Florida are suffering. We're working harder and making less. We continue to work and pay our taxes (unlike some of our corporate "citizens") yet Gov. "Slick Rick" Scott and our elected officials of BOTH big parties continue to cut public services (and with it public sector jobs) and attack labor rights while our Federal government is insisting we're broke while waging endless wars of aggression and bailing out the banks dubbed "Too Big To Fail".  These are just some of the new realities Floridians have learned to live with since the start of the Great Recession but is this, as they say; "just the way it is"?


The Workers' International Industrial Union Says "NO!", The WIIU believes that something better than this is possible. We stand for the liberation of the working class from the chains of the Capitalist system. We stand opposed to wage slavery, social injustice and imperialist wars. As we watch the rich get richer off the labor of workers,it seems the WIIU is the organization that the working class has long been waiting for. 

 Our creed is best summed up by these two points from the preamble of our constitution:

1 ~

"The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. There can be no peace so long as hunger and want are found among millions of working people and the few who make up the employing class have all the good things of life"


 2 ~

"Between these two classes a struggle must go on until the toilers come together on the political field under the banner of a distinct revolutionary political party governed by the worker's class interests, and on the industrial field under the banner of One Great Industrial Union to take and hold all means of production and distribution, and to run them for the benefit of all wealth producers".



To join the WIIU click here: http://www.wiiu.org/index.php?option=com_ckforms&view=ckforms&id=2&Itemid=54



"Wealth" Gap Grows Wider

By: IU News Staff


According to an article posted on CNN Money.com titled “The Rich are Much Richer than You and Me”, the amount of wealth extracted from the working class by the upper crust of the capitalist class has grown considerably since 2004. Of course the article doen’t exactly put it in those terms, but the facts and figures don’t lie.


According to the article the top 1% of the U.S. population has a “net worth” (assets minus liabilities) 225 times greater than that of the average worker. This is a sharp rise from the previous record of 190 times greater posted in 2004.


The article goes on to state that even with the economic recession of the last 2 years and a loss of27% of their net worth, those who hold the commanding heights of the economy still managed to see a massive increase in their net worth. Workers on the other hand lost a staggering 41% over the same time period with the poorest workers seeing their already negative net worth almost doubling what it was in the previous two years, meaning they tumbled twice as deep into the hole.


The article did not mention where this massive increase in wealth came from nor the fact that the economic system we live under creates the conditions whereby those few at the top can amass such unparalleled riches.


Again, facts don’t lie. This untold bounty reaped by the top 1% was gained through the exploitation of the working class, or to put it in clearer terms, from out and out theft. Some may recoil at this idea but it is true. The working class and the working class alone produces all social values, from houses to automobiles, from food to computers, we as a class produce everything needed to live and enjoy life.


Capitalist production is a social act, we come together in factories and offices all across the country and jointly produce this great abundance, but the wealth that we produce is taken from us and sold in the market at a profit. The profits from this theft go directly into the pockets of the owners of the industries and services and they return only a small percentage back to us in the form of wages.


The capitalist system promotes inequality, indeed, it only survives by maintaining this inequality. We, the working class, herd ourselves into our places of work on a daily basis and produce the wealth that is hoarded by those who would keep us in perpetual wage slavery. Most workers are blind to this atrocity and insist that it is just the way things are. This mentality only serves to keep our collective noses to the grindstone day after day while our position in society continues to deteriorate. We see evidence of this all around us. Ever increasing desperation and poverty, unemployed workers unable to provide for themselves or their families and all the while those at the top enjoy life to its fullest by riding the backs of those who do the actual work.


The only way to break out of this cycle of misery is for workers to realize that this theftocracy only continues to exist because we stand idly by and let it continue. We as workers hold the key to unlock this tremendous wealth and allow everyone to live full and happy lives. The only thing we need is the plan and proper organization to liberate ourselves from this state sanctioned slavery. The first best step any worker can take is to join the WIIU. We have the plan and the proper organization that will allow us to build a society where everyone who participates in production will reap the full benefits of his or her labor. We will throw the top 1% and their lackeys off of our backs forever and bring forth a society where all will benefit from the tremendous bounty we as workers produce.




To join the WIIU click here: http://www.wiiu.org/index.php?option=com_ckforms&view=ckforms&id=2&Itemid=54